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    Would you like to participate in the next Podcasthon? 1️⃣ Register your podcast – It’s quick, simple, and free! Just 90 seconds to fill out this form: https://podcasthon.org/register. This will give us the necessary info to feature your podcast on our website. 2️⃣ Choose a charity – Highlight a cause of your choice through an interview or a solo episode. No rush! You can register even if you're still deciding which charity to support. The choice is entirely yours, whether it’s an international NGO or a local non-profit that resonates with you or your audience. It could be an interview with a charity representative, a solo episode, or an audio report—the format is up to you! The key is to raise awareness for a great cause. 3️⃣ Record your episode – Include key phrases about Podcasthon, and we’ll provide support and guidelines once you're registered. Here’s an optional example: “I encourage you to visit podcasthon.org to discover more charities through the voices of talented hosts from around the world.” 4️⃣ Publish your episode during Podcasthon week via your usual channels (Ausha, Acast, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.). Once it’s live, update your personal space on our website with the episode’s URL to keep us in the loop. 5️⃣ Promote your episode – Tag us on social media and make some noise! You can be proud of this special episode. We’ll engage with and amplify your post by liking, commenting, and sharing to increase its reach. All episodes will be released simultaneously, creating a global wave of awareness! Any questions? Feel free to reach out at: contact@podcasthon.org

Any other question? Please feel free to send us an e-mail: contact@podcasthon.org